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COVID-19 Vaccination Clinic

Vaccination provider

Altona North Respiratory Clinic was a project of Cirqit Health, run alongside Altona North Medical Group and Circle Health.

After a successful run through 2021 and 2022, administering over 37,000 COVID vaccine doses, we are no longer operating a dedicated vaccination clinic.

To book a COVID vaccine booster, please call ANMG on (03) 9393 3900.

In February 2021 Altona North Respiratory Clinic (ANRC) began preparation for a COVID-19 Vaccination clinic and first doses were administered soon after on March 22. Using the processes developed in the COVID testing Clinic, including strong infection control principles, ANRC set up a successful vaccination clinic that could administer over 200 vaccines in a half-day clinic while continuing to provide COVID testing and consultation services for patients every day.

As a Commonwealth COVID-19 vaccination provider, free vaccinations were provided to anyone aged 12 years or older, prioritising those who fell within government priority groups and following ATAGI recommendations.

Please call Altona North Medical Group to book your COVID Booster vaccine