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Jenny Ktenidis

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Jenny Ktenidis
Operations Manager
(03) 9393 3900
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"I love to lead and collaborate with others and pride myself on always taking the time to listen and understand the needs of my team and the people we care for. I also have a particular interest in GP accreditation standards and have helped various clinics achieve the highest standards as outlined by the RACGP."

With over 20 years experience in General Practice, Jenny is an experienced manager skilled at anticipating people’s needs and executing plans. She prides herself on setting a good example and demonstrates respect and shows kindness towards all employees and patients. Recently Jenny helped set up Altona North Respiratory Clinic – Victoria’s first federally-funded GP-led Covid-19 screening and testing clinic. Within 10 days a clinical team together with the support of 30 individuals from various backgrounds were trained in infection control and shown new approaches to general practice.

Specialty Operations Manager
Work Days Monday Wednesday Thursday Friday