Lost in transmission: GPs ‘forgotten’ in COVID-19 response
Suburban doctors say they have been sidelined in the pandemic response, with poor communication between the health bureaucracy and local GPs contributing to potentially fatal delays in containing outbreaks. Source: The Age https://www.theage.com.au/national/victoria/lost-in-transmission-gps-forgotten-in-covid-19-response-20200726-p55fky.html
Our COVID weakness: Are we too complacent?
Melbourne GP @DrMukeshH warns that when it comes to #COVID19 measures, we might be getting too complacent. #TheDrum. "I don't think the gravity seems to have sunk in that we are not anywhere else apart from on the on the
GP turns to homemade PPE to combat ‘patchy’ supply
Dr Mukesh Haikerwal, a former AMA President, has consistently called out the supply issue that has plagued GPs in the state and across the country since the start of the pandemic. The respiratory clinic set up at Dr Haikerwal’s practice